Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dating in today's world.

So I am here at school, and i am taking this course called Marriage and Family. Yes, that's right, a whole course on marriage and family, and what it means, what it involves, and all that jazz. So we start to talk about dating, and stuff. Now, today's society your either with someone or your looking to be with someone... that's just the way we are told it is. So, I am sitting in this class, and we start to talk about being single, and comfortable with it!!! I know, sounds ridiculous, but we are seeing relationships in a totally wrong way. At least from the way I see it. We are seeing relationships as a place to have fun, to release and just be with someone from the opposite gender, and if it happens to be with the person that we are going to marry, then sweet deal. Yet if it is not no big deal. Yet is the point of dating not to find the person you are going to be with? I have heard the argument that well in dating you find out what it is that you want in a future spouse, but should you not at least have an idea about that before you start to date someone. I mean you chose them for a reason, beyond their looks hopefully, so you already have some sort of a clue of what you are looking for. Now not saying that you should only date one person and if your wrong and it does not work too bad. But I think we get too loose of an attitude when it comes to this and so we date.... just well.... cause why not? It's fun right? Yet, there should be that aspect of wanting to find someone that you want to be with, otherwise what really is the point to it all. I mean if your just wanting to have fun why not just be friends right? Then a concept is brought up in class that it takes more self-control to stay single then to actually be in a relationship. Therefore does that mean that I have a lack of self-control because I want to be in a relationship? haha, yes this means that I was looking... I struggled for a little while in really feeling that I needed someone else to date... just to emotionally express myself, in a different level. Yet, I look at it now, and it's a little foolish, and selfish of me. I realize now that there is more to it than that... and while yes it is nice to feel wanted and loved (we all have this want). It is not essential. I realized I would rather wait for God to present something to me and for me to be surprised because of it, and run with the punches. Then for me to force something, and end up hurting one or both of the people involved. This subject is coming up quite a bit in this course... about being married or staying single. We all look for answers when it comes to dating and finding that "special someone"... yet I would say, why not wait for God to show you someone, as hard and a struggle as it might be... would it not make it all worth the wait and struggle? For God to give you that amazing special someone of the opposite gender, to come and just be a relief? I realize it is way worth it... and what I yearned for all along was God to give me this someone, and so i tried to force it (not by getting in a relationship) but by looking for possiblities. I realize now that I should just let it happen, and I know it will be all worth it in the end!

Nick Poetker


Brad Huebert said...

Good thoughts, Nick.

I've always thought that a real casual attitude toward dating is like divorce practice. Don't like the person? Dump them. Try again. Still not? Dump them. And again. Can't be healthy!

Anonymous said...

Hey....preach it brother!! Nick you are one of the wisest people I know and you are younger than me, but since when did God use a specific age to show wisdom and knowledge to others?? God is using you bro and it is so awesome to read the things you have to say...they always speak to me!! love ya..keep preachin what you believe!! I agree with you about dating! your bang on!

Anonymous said...

come home!!!!!!
haha we need some of this around here
see you thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

its angel lol
and i clearly don't know how to use this thing